Wednesday 18 September 2013

Why I started the Tech Savvy Kids website…

I am not a technology expert. I don’t have a background in IT or in Education. What I do have are two daughters under six who both love to use mummy and daddy’s tablet and smart phone. The eldest is now also starting to show an interest in the laptop with its mysterious lack of touchscreen functions.
At first it was such a cute sight to watch them show their curiosity with these items. To see as they learned to swipe their fingers across the screen, move from one game or app to another, to make the device respond to their touch. Then they progressed to playing the games we had downloaded for them, watch videos on YouTube or on I-Player. Then, slowly realising that actually, your child was probably more interested in playing with this thing in their hand than they are with you. It began to dawn on me that maybe I should gen up on how these devices affect children and what we would need to do to make sure they were exploring technology within the safest environment possible.
Reading articles on the internet turned up the usual polarising material, ranging from fire and brimstone ‘technology will damage your child forever’ to the more benign ‘technology will help your child’s development’. Of course, as with all things moderation is the key. But one thing that did strike me when reading these articles was the level of ignorance of all parties. The age old joke is that the child can work the video/TV/microwave better than the parent, as children love to learn how to work new ‘toys’. However, when these ‘toys’ can access unlimited content how can you be sure that they are only looking at what is suitable. I am coming at this from the perspective of a parent of very young children. Obviously parents of older children will want to widen the scope of what they can see, but the point is they still need to understand HOW they are viewing it. You can control what you have inside your own home, but when devices allow you to look outside how do you ensure they are doing so safely?
Children develop quickly, technology develops fast too. My reasoning is, that if you want to understand how your child is interacting with the outside world using technology, you need to stay up to date. You and your child can learn this together, bond over the shared experience of discovering what using these devices are capable of. But at the same time know that the technology and systems you are using are set up appropriately. Communicate to your children how they should behave online, as, although they are safely behind a screen – they should still apply the same caution as when interacting with strangers in the ‘real’ world.
This site was started to learn and share this information. A repository of useful links and advice about how to explore the potential that technology can offer us, and know that my daughters – and I – can do so confidently and safely.

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